It' s not a good but it is kind of method that I' d invented to control the run off from storm water or hard intrusion during rainy season, this technology is subjected to area which sited under sea....
kami perusahaan yang baru lahir dan bergerak di bidang teknologi lingkungan dan properti. kami lebih mirip seperti perusahaan konsultan yang memberikan advis untuk manajemen lingkungan, water....
we are manufacture of smoked milk fish from indonesia, we called this bandeng presto duri lunak, this fish very familiar and have a good taste
we serve to all destination arround the world, like intra Asia ( including south east Asia ) , China base, far east ( including Japan main port ) , Europe, latin America and sure we have specialist....
International freight forwarder, we have around the world services and destination, we also have overseas agent around the world like in Austral; ia, latin Amerika, Europe, Middle east and United....
This machine called DCCC ( Direct Conditioning Cylinder Casing) , to add Moisture Contains of tobacco and fill the tobacco casing for final tobacco processing. The purpose of adding the MC is to avoid....
Our main bussiness in Steam Coal FOB Barge and MV
Ussually use for Tenoning Machine such as : BACCI or BALESTRINI Made From A very special Qualty Of Tungsten and Iron The special things from this cutter is the weight that very lite compare to the....
We Are The Manufacturer in Indonesia that Prodused Cutter and Router Bits For your Woodworking Company, We Also Receive Special Product with Special Design For Futher Information Please Contact....
Kami perusahaan manufactur dan exporter furniture, yang berlokasi di Semarang Jawa Tengah. Kami berhubungan dengan banyak pembeli dan pelanggan yang memiliki kebutuhan tidak hanya di bisnis furnitur.....
For more detail information please contact: lbeautymed@
Luma BeautyMed Distribution of beauty medicine, special used for skin care or beauty medication.
meat ingredient could be used for making sausage, meat ball, cornet etc. It could keep protein.
jelly powder, jelly concentrate, meat ingredient
DESCRIPTION : The formula have the shape of liquid with the composition 4 ( four) the micro-organisms kind that was beneficial, was set aside for the fisheries cultivation. These micro-organisms....
We were the company that was involved in organic fertilizer for AGRICULTURE, FARM and FISHERIES. Our organic fertilizer technology was proven made harvest time to be shorter, production quantity and....
The platform outline is as follows: The Trade Platform is a proven entity being in existence for over 10 years. The parent company that owns the platform is located in the USA but the trade platform....
we are growing marketing company that trusted to marketing rugs and carpets depend on customer needs.
We have specialized in Building and Tower Construction include Mechanical Electrical
PT. TIRTANA is a growth company in Civil and Architecture, we have an experience specialized in Building and Tower Construction include BTS and Electrical Equipment. We are young and need all of the....
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