Cyclea barbata Miers Cincau Hijau Rambat Hati Cyclea barbata Miers ~ Jual Bahan Cincau= Daun segar habis petik minimal = 3kg ~ Jual Bibit Tanaman polybag CINCAU HIJAU BULU RAMBAT HATI * * SMS= ....
Dipokusumo Farm is supplier for agrobusiness products Dipokusumo Farm is the supplier for fruit plants and flower plants. The collection for fruit plants is over 100 varieties from local and....
Jatropha multifida L. ~ INDONESIAN jarak cina, jarak tintir and jarak gurita , balacai batai. * * SMS= + 6281901389117 * * SMS= + 6285876389979 * * SMS= + 6281326220589 * * Email= BudimanBagus01....
Jatropha multifida L. INDONESIAN jarak cina, jarak tintir and jarak gurita , balacai batai, POHON YODIUM * * SMS= + 6281901389117 * * SMS= + 6285876389979 * * SMS= + 6281326220589 * * Email= ....
Dipokusumo Farm.... is supplier for agrobusiness products.. Dipokusumo Farm.... is the supplier for fruit , medicinal and flower plants. The collection for fruit , medicinal and flower plants....
Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk ~ Guazumae Folium ~ Indonesia Jati belanda ~ Jati londo; Jati sabrang * SMS= + 6281326220589 * SMS= + 6281901389117 * SMS= + 6285876389979 * Dipokusumo01@
Michelia champaca L. Familia : Magnoliaceae. ~ Indonesian Bunga Cempaka Kuning, ~ CEMPAKA KUNING ~ KEMBANG KANTIL ~ Bunga Cempaka Kuning * * SMS= + 6281326220589 * * SMS= + 6281901389117 * * ....
CEMPAKA KUNING ~ KEMBANG KANTIL ~ Bunga Cempaka Kuning ~ Miche! ia champaca L. Familia : Magnoliaceae. ~ Indonesian Bunga Cempaka Kuning * * SMS= + 6281326220589 * * SMS= + 6281901389117 * * ....
minimalist living room couch cheap and 2 year warranty for foam and wood .. its quality is guaranteed, according to a message on the desired model.
permata mebel is an individual enterprise ( Small Medium Enterprises) is engaged in the furniture. In addition to providing furniture products, we also make furniture based on customer orders.....
complete the relaxed atmosphere in the home garden, hotel, restaurant or your company with a gazebo that can be installed in the garden or your local open space. description: size: 2mx2m models....
Complete the relaxed atmosphere in the home garden, hotel, restaurant or your company with a gazebo that can be installed in the garden or your local open space. description: size: 2mx2m models....
Panicled fameflower root INDONESIAN= SOM JAWA Som Jawa LATIN= Talinum paniculatum ( jacq.) Gaertn. > > SMS= + 6281-32622-0589 > > SMS= + 628783-1993-208 > > SMS= + 62896-1706-1848 * ....
CURRY TREE Murraya Koenigii Indonesian Salam koja, Daun kari, temurui.. ~ Curry tree, curry leaves...CURRY LEAVES * * SMS= + 62858-7638-9979 * * SMS= + 6281-32622-0589 * * SMS= + 6281-901-389....
Hemigraphis colorata Hall.folium Sinonim : H. alternata ( Burm.f.) T. Anders, Ruellia colorata BI. Familia : Acanthaceae indonesian Tanaman SAMBANG GETIH Indonesian Sambang Getih * * SMS= + 6281....
Platycerium coronarium Indonesian Daun Tanduk Rusa, Kidang Kidangan~ Simbar Agung ~ Simbar Menjangan ~ Paku Uncal Ready Plant of Tanduk rusa * * SMS= + 62858-763-89979 * * SMS= + 6281-32622-0589 ....
Cabe Jamu Cabe Puyang Piper retrofractum Vahl. Familia: Piperaceae Indonesia: Cabe jawa, lada panjang, cabean, Jamu Cabe Puyang.. Pilipina: Litlit... Cina: Bi ba... Jawa= Jamu Cabe Puyang ....
AgroKusumaFarm is suppliers of agroproduct and herbal from lovely Indonesia countries , Origin= Indonesia, Central-East-West Java
Murraya Koenigii Salam Koja ( Murraya koenigii) Indonesia: Salam koja, daun kari, temurui... LATIN= Murraya Koenigii English= curry tree, curry leaves... English= Curry Leaves > > SMS= + 62858....