Traditionally used to help in lowering and preventing high blood pressure naturally and safely, curing symptoms of high blood pressure such as diziiness, headche, pain in the nape of the neck, etc ....
We provide the best ingredients ( central java- Indonesia) , which is very popular abroad. Well in the form of powder or simplisia. Compound consists of a variety of medicinal plants such as keladi....
Traditionally used to help lowering the concentrate of uric acid and the paintfull joint. Interested call : Reza : + 628179556329 or 024-70269251
Traditionally used to help increasing male vigor, maintaining and restoring male virility. Interested call : Reza : + 628179556329 or 024-70269251
Traditionally used to help curing swollen prostate glands also increasing urinary flow. Interested call : Reza : + 628179556329 or 024-70269251
Traditionally used to help lowering cholesterol and LDL ( bad Cholesterol which is in the blood vessel) and increasing HDL ( good Cholesterolas the cleaner of bad cholesterol ) level in the blood....
Traditionally used to help reducing abdominal excess fat, and firming up the abdominal muscles. Interested call : Reza : + 628179556329 or 024-70269251
We sell JAMU GODOK / JAMU REBUS, origin from INDONESIA Mobile Ph: + 628179556329 reza
Traditionally used to help reducing sugar level in the blood on diabetic Interested call : Reza : + 628179556329 or 024-70269251
Traditionally used to help eliminating flour albus ( vaginal discharge) keeping uterus health Interested call : Reza : + 628179556329 or 024-70269251
Mahkota Dewa powder very important to health and body.Very efectiv for cancer, diabets, liver, stroke etc CALL REZA : 08179556329
We provide capsule Rodent tuber, capsul Typhonium Flagelliforme, capsule keladi tikus. Proven very effective to destroy cancer cells. so that the body healthy again. Order at + 628179556329
if you interesete fresh mahkota dewa from reza herbal semarang. This is good to body became fresh and good performance.
We sell or supplay the seed of phaleria macrocarpa and its fruits. They are very good condition/ healty. We can export them with good price. We inform you that the fruits of phaleria macrocarpa....