Retail & distribution that distribute to other city, and countries
The company main business is consumable fresh water fish product.
The name of the company is CV FURNIWELL MEGAH, established in 1997 in semarang, central java, indonesia, we have dealing with all kind of furniture, indoor and outdoor, but we are now concentrating....
we are company in the field of consultan technique & design and has done various works which many relating to area, urban planology, feasibility study which in direct corollation to requirement of....
we are one off all laboratory equipment factory, that offer to make everything about language laboratory will be simple in using and controlling. and we offer too, for best product and best price, ....
Since 1998, CV. Patra Padma has establish as a planning and developing consultant with many experience in: 1. Architectural design 2. Supervision and project management 3. Feasibility study 4. urban....
We are a group of two factories with 1000 workers based in Indonesia. We are into manufacturing transfer paper and decorating glass items. We are basically catering to two types of customers: A.....
new commers company for collect ex box and ex news papper to sold again
Trading Company and Quality Inspection Agent. We offer inspection service for Hardline and Softline merchandise for export with express service ( report will sent less than 6 hours after complete....
General trading ( Instrument) which sell all item of instruments, such as : infrared thermography, detection & alarm system
we are company on the field Event Organizer, rental car, supplier, distributor and travel agent.
This is unique restaurant, which have floating and fishing restaurant concept. Our restaurant float upper fishpond. we provide fresh food direct from the sea and our fishpond. Our specialty is....
state polytechnic of semarang major of electrical of engineering study programme telecommunication
Education, Diponegoro University, Mechanical Engineering