I have 25pcs batik tulis, and is original made by hand. is old textille from indonesia. this is my collection . if you interesting you can give me ur email address and i will sent you 25 motif batik.....
we are a company was selling in batik what is antique textile fom indonesi. batik what was i sell is made by handmade and made at 1960' s. its very special cause to made Batik Tulis is spend 6 months....
Diaperbag beberhice its fashionable look fool you; the BEBERICHE is functional to the ' Nth degree. With a unique adjustable strap system, the Duo secures neatly to your stroller when you' re on the....
Desainer, Engineer, Architect. Home and Building construction
Terbuat dari bahan-bahan pilihan berkualitas dan higienis. Dijamin Halal dan bermutu. READY STOCK
Patient Monitor Multiparameter with ECG, SPO2, NIBP, RESP, HR, TEMP Specifications: Monitor 12, 1" Color TFT Waveforms display : Max 8 channel display Parameter : 6 standard parameter ....
Hospital , medical and laboratory system
natural stone grooved ( RTM) is very suitable for yfor interior and exterior design of your house etc.
We sell and receive orders for a variety of natural stone home decorating needs, villas, hotels, and other buildings. Our natural stone production consists of two types of natural stone with a....
we need some product for car acessories made by rubber.
kami menginginkan supplier produk karet-karet mobil terutama karet untuk body mobil, pintu, kaca, lantai, dll.
Standard Pen with good quality and media promotion full colour. It can be your chooise in media promotion or gift.
TORSINA General Promotion. Our business established since 1998. we are engaged in making business and suppliers for merchandise / gimmick which is aimed for both companies within the small, medium....
We provide transportation services using Dumptruck for Semarang and Central Java area. Our Dumptruck forces are ready to assist you in transporting material such as asphalt, basecourse, coal, etc.
Kami melayani jasa angkutan dengan dumptruck untuk wilayah Semarang dan sekitarnya. Dengan kekuatan belasan armada Tronton dan Engkel, kami siap melayani kebutuhan transportasi Anda untuk material....
We are wellcome to all suppliers, distributors or importers to supply us with your products with competitive price. We also glad to be your agent / partner. We hope can provide all motorcycles....
Help You Clean and make your home/ restaurant/ kitchen free from insect
Hope This True Hope This TrueHope This TrueHope This TrueHope This TrueHope This TrueHope This TrueHope This TrueHope This TrueHope This TrueHope This TrueHope This TrueHope This TrueHope This True
Wake up bro, it' s time Hope and Pray we always do Yes I do
we are chrome shop. We do chrome coating for spare part of motor or car and many kinds according of customer needs.
JOGLO & Gebyok Kudus 3 rd Generation Old n Antiq house, spesial from Kudus, Central Java Indonesia Size 9 x9 m2 2 piece of tumpang sari each of them: 10 step with size 180 x 180 cm 8 piece of....
Trading in antiq n old teak wood Trading for land and house
If you want change your life, from zero to hero ( himself, family and people ) we give you tips and road to succes. Please, contact me, Muhammad Harun S, 081390326661
We expert general trade, coal, Mn, Iron, consumer goods and etc. If you need please contact us.