PT. Adi Gemilang Perkasa is the Exclusive Authorized Agent of PT. Inoac Poiytechno Indonesia in Central Java. The products we offer are exclusive of INOAC with the Japan quality standards. Its also....
PT. Kemasan Cipta Prima was established in April 2002 is a specialized factory engaged in styrofoam packaging. Our products are Poly Ethylene Foam ( PE Foam) , Air Packaging Buble ( Buble Pack) , ....
CV.BERKAH CAHAYA AGUNG , Adalah perusahaan swasta yang didirikan di semarang pada tahun 2005 dalam lingkup kegiatan usahanya adalah jasa konstruksi bangunan, perdagangan umum dan material supplies. ....
Kami perusahaan distribusi yang sudah berpengalaman menjual AAC/ Bata ringan di seluruh Jawa-Tengah.Produk kami yang paling baru adalah SB con. Pabrikan ini berada di Jawa Tengah, Sehingga kami mampu....
sipil construction, techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures
We are a distribution company for construction material. Our product range includes PVC window, mirror sheet for buildings, waterproof coating, etc.
general construction, plumbing, pool, real estate, landscape, interior