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Distributor Ayam Potong Abadi Jaya Semarang

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Distributor Ayam Potong Abadi Jaya Semarang
Distributor Ayam Potong Abadi Jaya Semarang
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Distributor Ayam Potong Abadi Jaya Semarang


Abadi Jaya is a company engaged in the broiler chicken farms that have a division processing plant / slaughterhouse.

The products of our company include:
v Carcass logs intact / whole chick.
v The carcass pieces: breasts, thighs / partings chick.
v Sesetan / cutlet chest, thigh / fillet / boneless.
v Skin / wings / claws.
v Bone / tetelan.

Abadi Jaya implementing production management and hygienic halal guaranteed product quality standards under the supervision of quality-assured, so that the resulting product can certainly satisfy consumers / customers.

Chicken is a process that we live a healthy seed ( free of AI / affiant Influenza / Avian Flu) , with a very strict selection process under the supervision of experienced experts, so Abadi Jaya has qualified MUI HALAL No. : 1502020806.

Abadi Jaya serve to order and the job order specifications provided by customers / customers with delivery.

As for some of the consumers / customers of products produced by the company Abadi Jaya, as reference material:
- Hotel MG Suites Semarang
- Dapur Umum Gereja JKI Injil Kerajaan,
- Santai Ria,
- Holiday,
- De Koning,
- Kedai Beringin,
- Kabuki,
- Shihlin,
- And many others.

We serve orders in large capacity for:
1. Hotel
2. Restaurant
3. Eating
4. Catering
5. Hospital
6. Individuals

In addition, our company also manufactures processed food made from raw chicken meat, such as chicken meatballs Know GEAL GEOL.

Tofu Chicken Meatballs Geal Geol is a new concept of a processed food made from raw chicken meat.

In general, know the meatball using basic ingredients of beef, but this time we tried to offer a new concept and flavor, the Chicken Meatballs Know Geal Geol.

Why do we use a chicken?

First, in the city of Semarang no idea chicken meatballs. Thus, this is a new concept and the taste that we offer.

Secondly, the taste of the chicken meat easily accepted dilidah consumers than beef or seafood ( fish or shrimp) .

Third, the chicken we use is the result of your own farm production of our chicken farm company, so the quality of chicken meat we use is guaranteed.

Some of the certificates we have:

HALAL certificate from MUI No. 1502020806 --- to guarantee HALAL from Majelis Ulama Indonesia, MUI standards of broiler meat production.

P.IRT Certificate No. 2153374011151 --- for quality assurance and production licenses Tofu Chicken Meatballs Geal Geol ( registered trademark) .

For information and reservations:
( 024) 7027.8080 or 0878.3204.1100

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