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PSB ( PLASMA SUPER BIOTIK) - CV. Plasmatech Consulting

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PSB ( PLASMA SUPER BIOTIK) - CV. Plasmatech Consulting
PSB ( PLASMA SUPER BIOTIK) - CV. Plasmatech Consulting
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    1. PSB Plus khusus untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit yang diderita oleh manusia,  Diabetes,  kolesterol,  ginjal,  rematik,  kanker,  typus,  diare,  asam urat,  hepatitis,  sembelit,  asma,  alergi,  batuk,  demam,  stroke,  maag,  sakit gigi,  sariawan,  ambeien,  dll.

    1. PSB Plus khusus untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit yang diderita oleh manusia, Diabetes, kolesterol, ginjal, rematik, kanker, typus, diare, asam urat, hepatitis, sembelit, asma, alergi, batuk, demam, stroke, maag, sakit gigi, sariawan, ambeien, dll.

    distributor on call / pm
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    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)
    Pack. & Delivery:
    botol 350 ml
    PSB ( Plasma Super biotic) Plus is processed with the technology extration fermented plants, contained different types of microbes with special nutrients ( non-synthetic) serves as decompuser ( decomposers) , inhibit bacteria, viruses and fungi that harm, improve metabolism and produce enzymes in the human body.

    For people with cholesterol, may reduce the PSB plus excessive cholesterol to prevent clots in blood vessels. Resulting in constriction of blood vessels, so the work of LDL and HDL to be more effective.

    Patients with Uric Acid, PSB plus purine compounds that reduce the kidneys work more effectively and there is no buildup in the joints

    For kidney patients, PSB plus works to cleanse the blood and fluid from the womb chemicals / addictive so the kidneys do not work hard.

    For diabetics Mallitus
    PSB plus work improving insulin. Perfecting the glycolysis reaction, glikogenelis, so the sugar / glucose is converted into energy. The reduction of purine compounds in order to work more effectively and purine kidney does not accumulate in the joints.

    PSB plus can be used as an external medicine:

    Toothache, Sprue, Hemorrhoid, Burns, Wounds new / old wounds are exposed to infection, scabies ( scab) , poisonous insect stings, snake bitten, allergy / itching - itching, water flea, cracked feet, eye irritation, cataract, oral health, facial cleanser, acne, upfront dirt, blackheads, clean the dirt that settles on the body folds, Vagina health women

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