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    Ruwatan Arjuna / Srikandi

    Ruwatan Arjuna / Srikandi

    Mahar Biasa Rp.350.000,- Medium Rp.750.000,- Istimewa Rp.1.500.000,-
    Quantity Order:
    Payment Method:
    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)
    Pack. & Delivery:
    Kapsul dan Mintak Wangi

    Specification :

    A process of ritual to eliminate sengkolo ( negative energy) that is abstract, that exist in the body due to internal or external factors, such as: karma ancestors, promises / vows are not kept, mistakes of the past, business competition, social jealousy, and so forth.
    By Ruwatan Arjuna or Ruwatan Heroine, Insha Allah sengkolo or negative energy present in the body will disappear so you will radiate an aura of enchantment, the body will look radiant, people will look astonished admiration, you will be more dear to the leader or employer, everything you do will be easier, fortune will flow profusely to you, young, and will increasingly unloved wife / husband.
    This product we guarantee it will not hamper the process of death. Even with this product you will get closer to Allah SWT.

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