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Mr. Budiman Bagus [Marketing]

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Mobile number of Mr. Budiman Bagus at Semarang


Rasamala A 4/6
Semarang 50189, Jawa Tengah

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PORANG ( Amorphophallus Oncophyllus) Familia: Araceae > > Sell Konjac, Konnyaku, Gonyak, Juruo, Moyu, Amorhophallus Konjac, Dried Flakes and Powder and other plant extract > > SMS= 081-32622-0589 > > SMS= 081-901-389-117 > > Email= BudimanBagus01@ yahoo.c
PriceFresh Basah Rp.X.XXX,-/kg Dried Kering Rp.XX.XXX,-
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T)
QuantityTersedia dalam jumlah banyak 1 ton siap panen
Pack. & DeliveryKarung plastik, karung sayuran
English: Elephant yam
Latin: Amorphophallus Oncophyllus Prain
Familia: Araceae
Indonesia: Porang, Iles-Iles
Iles-iles( Jawa)
Ileus ( Sunda)
Thailand: Buk Neua Sai
English: Elephant yam
> > Sell: Sell Konjac , Konnyaku , Gonyak , Juruo , Moyu , Amorhophallus Konjac , Dried Flakes and Powder and other plant extract ,

> > An ingredient of Konjac is Glucomannan.
> > The latest science now proof the real value of the Konjac as a high dietary, non fat, fiber low calorie diet food which shows several unique functions for maintaining a well-being.
> > Regular Konjac trenchermen will enjoy many advantages of it? such like cleaning the hematic-part, lowing the Choresterol level, reducing the sugar intake which prevent rapid blood sugar level jump
> > Dried Konjac Flakes, Konjac Powder
> > Natural, Sundried

* * Moisture Export Quality
> > Email= BudimanBagus01@
> > SMS= + 6281-32622-0589
> > SMS= + 6281-90 1-389-117
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