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CV. Adi Jaya Sarana

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CV. Adi Jaya Sarana
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mr. Erwan Supriadi [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Erwan Supriadi at Semarang
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Erwan Supriadi at Semarang
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Erwan Supriadi at Semarang
Address:Jl Klipang Raya No 1D
Semarang, Jawa Tengah
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Oct. 1, 2009
Business Nature:Trade, Service of Computer Hardware & Software category

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Company Brief

CV Sarana Jaya Adi was established based on notarial deed Suyanto, SH No. 165/ 1999/ III on April 19, 1999 based on the awareness and empowerment to take advantage of experienced professionals both in the field of manufacturing applications software / hardware and website in addition to providing assistance in the field information and appropriate technology. We provide knowledge, skills, and experience we' ve had so far and has a commitment to serve and have a good relationship with customers. With such commitment and work efficiency considerations, we are ready to meet customer demand for high standards in the face of competition in the business world.

Vision and Mission
Assist each company to improve efficiency and effectiveness to achieve the goal by serving clients in a professional, objective and sustainable and provide the best solutions for businesses in resolving problems in the procurement of informatics and technology.

With the support of experts and experienced professionals as well as oriented to meet the needs of clients who put quality competitif cost. We also work as a partner to suit your company' s corporate culter and can also provide input to applicable and practical for the client.

Human Resources
CV Sarana Jaya Adi has a number of qualified experts and professionals as one of the main criteria of an informatics and technology institutions. CV Sarana Jaya Adi implement strict requirements in the selection and recruitment of each expert. CV Sarana Jaya Adi supported by the resources coming from various educational backgrounds and field experience different. This causes the CV Sarana Jaya Adi have more value and reliability in providing services to provide solutions for the procurement of appropriate technology clients faced.

Company Structure

Chief Executive Officer

* Erwan Supriadi

General Manager

* Rina Adiningrum Ramadani

Microcontroller Programming Assembler

* Maulana Choirony
* Gunawan
* Aditya Ardheawan

Design and Development Management Information System and Accounting Operations

* Thomas Christianto Saputro

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