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Mr. Bp. Purnomo / Ibu. Astuti [Owner/Entrepreneur]
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Jl. Veteran 43
Semarang, Jawa Tengah
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DRUM ROTATION SENSOR ( Model : DRS 2020)[Mar. 31, 2011 10:44:19]
PriceRp 3.700.000,- / unit
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T)

Drum Rotation Sensor ( model: DRS 2020) is an instrument / sensor mounted on the drum cement mixer truck.

This tool works by monitoring the rotary movement of the drum trucks and provide digital information to GPS devices connected.

Turn right ( unloading) , turn left ( loading) , silent ( Stop)

The purpose of the installation of this tool is to monitor the activities of loading / unloading cement mixture in the drum truck dropping grout whether the activity is actually in place development projects that have been determined.

Data Specification :

1) Digital controller unit :
- Data output 1 ( turning right / unloading ) : + Vcc or floating ( open collector )
- Data output 2 ( turning left / loading ) : Active Low
- Data output 3 ( stop ) : Active Low
- Input 3 wires from magnetic sensors ( green, blue, yellow )
- Input DC supply ( + Vcc ) : 12 - 24 Volt DC

2) Magnetic sensors and mounting.

3) 6.5 meters shielded cable.

Note : We can provide output configuration according to customer demand.