Assalam Herbal - Spesialis Asam Urat, Flu Tulang, Rheumatik & Penyembuhan Stroke[Nov. 17, 2011 22:59:53]
Business Opportunities and cooperation became an agent for the entire territory of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.
Assalam Herbal concoction made from traditional herbs proven effective and suitable for the treatment of various diseases, including treatment of illnesses related to muscles and nerves such as:
- Uric Acid
- Stroke
- Stiff
- Muscle Cramps
- Painful joints
- Tingling
- rheumatic
- Avian Bones
- Headache ( Migraine)
- Fever
- fever
- Cholesterol and other
Package details:
1 Box of 12 Sachets Assalam,
1 Sachet contents of 4 capsules
price Agent
Java Island Rp. 68 000, -/ box
Outside Java Rp. 80, 000, -/ box
Supporting facilities: Banners and Brochures
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